What is Linux?
Linux is an operating system like windows,mac os,Linux has been so popular since it's introduction in the industry Linux came from Unix family,Linux is a free and open-source software operating system, which is developed by Linus torvalds developed in September 1991.Today many years passed and Linux become one of the most popular operating system today 90 percent fastest supercomputer out of 500 run on Linux variants including the top 10
In Linux everything is represented as a file including hardware program the files are stored in directory and every directory contains a file with a tree like structure
In simple manner everything in Linux is either a file or directory including hardware program
Basic Linux commands
Pwd -present working directory
Ls- it shows available files and directory list in the present working directory.
Date: it show the date and time
Cd- it is use to change the directory
Clear 👉 it use for clear screen
Whoami👉 it show currently login user name
History 👉 it show list of previously used commands
To create a directory or folder
Mkdir👉 folder name
To create multiple directory
Mkdir dev QA test